Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, I did it. I made a 10K this afternoon. It was mostly walking with some running, but the main thing is I made it all the way. It only took me 1 hour and 45 minutes. I am really tired tonight and will be in bed very shortly.

Work again tomorrow. Monday comes around way too soon.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Went to the Movies

Last night I went to the movies and saw a show on Blogging, Julie and Julia. When you combine blogging and cooking in one show, it was a very good show.

It got me to thinking about blogging and decided to see if I could find time to do a little more.
Thursday I found a bargain of a camera. I paid $45 for a 10.1 megapixal with extra batteries, an SD card and all the cords and books that came with it. Today I am playing with it and trying to learn more about it. Here are some sample pictures.

As you can see, it is just a test of the camera. I think it is a very good picture of Charlie, an OK one of a foot if that is your interest, a typical kitchen counter, and a very messy sewing room. One of the many things on my todo list is clean up and organize my sewing room.
Enough for now, I need to pay bills.